I always say, I believe I am the least tech savvy millennial there is. What takes a normal millennial two minutes to figure out, takes me ten and a youtube how to. So when I saw all these cute gifs in others email blasts I was jealous ya know. I never saw the exact words […]


What a week. As I am sure every single person knows, Coronavirus has been the main talk everywhere. In the news, on the radio, all over social media and so on. You simply can’t escape it. We still don’t fully know the severity of the virus, and the effect it will have on us. But […]


I am definitely one to stay far far away from the cold (unless there is snow involved) and for a lot of couples, I’d say they agree. While winter isn’t necessarily a slow season for photographer with the massive influx of engagements, wedding inquires, consults, site updates and you get the point… it is a […]


I’ve always kind of been a bright photographer, and then once I found my style a few years in, I was consistently the style I display now. Which if you’re new here is bright, bold and colorful. When I first started photography I would tell clients to stay away from wearing black to sessions. I […]


Hey loves! I'm Brooke Michelle and welcome to the blog. I am a high school senior, wedding and boudoir photographer! My passions include educating other photographers, traveling as often as I can and laughing more than I should. This blog is where I get to show all of that off to you and bring you in a little deeper into my life, so stay awhile!





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