The amount of disheartening conversations I have had with my industry peers this week alone is… well, depressing. Watching some of the strongest business leaders I know even sway in times of struggle is tough. Although we know they are human, it still is crazy to be like “they are just like me right now, […]


The amount of disheartening conversations I have had with my industry peers this week alone is… well, depressing. Watching some of the strongest business leaders I know even sway in times of struggle is tough. Although we know they are human, it still is crazy to be like “they are just like me right now, […]


Isn’t it funny how the smallest moments in our business, or life, can teach us lessons we usually need reminding of? This past month I chose one week to fully dedicate to TikTok growth. Yup, TikTok. I have been intrigued with this app for a few months now but wasn’t really sure how to begin […]


When I first started photographing weddings. I remember seeing those beautifully detailed close up shots. The ones where you could see every cut of the diamond, or the necklace perfectly dangling off the bouquet. So, as a beginner I started doing the trial and error method of maybe my 50mm would be good enough for […]


Hey loves! I'm Brooke Michelle and welcome to the blog. I am a high school senior, wedding and boudoir photographer! My passions include educating other photographers, traveling as often as I can and laughing more than I should. This blog is where I get to show all of that off to you and bring you in a little deeper into my life, so stay awhile!





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