December 11, 2017
Today’s post may be one of the most exciting one’s I have ever written! As a small business owner I dreamed of having employees. I’ve always envisioned having weekly calls with people that I could call “my people.” And now Chynna is the first official one to join the group!
I’m personally popping in for this because this is a big step! Trusting my baby business in the hands of another is a BIG DEAL for me! But it is an even bigger deal for me to personally introduce her to all of you, the first of “my people.” You have all put trust in me, whether it be by hiring me as your personal photographer, becoming a dedicated blog reader or a photographer trusting me to teach you a thing or two! I mean there is a reason I call my newsletter “my favorite people.”
So without dragging it out any longer I’d like to formally introduce, Chynna of Byte Bodega! If you are a current or potential client then I am sure you will get to know her even more! Chynna is my brand new virtual assistant to help me grow this business and grow right alongside!
Just a few more reasons to fall in love with Chynna…
1. She is 110% a crazy cat lady. She isn’t joking when she says she created her VA business to stay home with her cat 😉
2. Mexican food is her life. #enchiladas4life
3. She lives in Boston, MA with her high school sweetheart (aka the cutest thing ever)!
4. Black Coffee = Life (we are twinning on this).
5. Her favorite quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
6. She considers her mom her superhero.
From the first virtual meeting I was sold! She made it so easy and casual to bring up questions and showed how much she chooses to care for her clients and their business babies! Chynna is my new right hand (wo)man with all things business! She will be guiding inquiring clients until they set up meetings with me, checking in on emails and answering your questions while I travel or picking up slack during busy season!
My hope is for Chynna to continue to grow with me and to take on more and more tasks to allow me to take on more of what I love… all of you! This new venture will open up more time for senior sessions, editing, wedding clients, happy hours with clients, mentoring sessions and more!
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